Directors & Management

Mr Carl Dumbrell – Director & Company Secretary

Carl Dumbrell is a partner in a Sydney accounting firm with 20 years’ experience in taxation and assurance services in Australia and England, and with an on-going involvement in the raising of finance and the divestment of assets for listed companies.

Carl has Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Taxation Law degrees, and is a Chartered Accountant in both Australia and in England & Wales, as well as being a Chartered Tax Advisor, Registered Company Auditor, Registered Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Auditor, and Member of the Australia Institute of Company Directors.

Carl is a CEO and Executive Director of Herencia Resources Plc (AIM: HER), Chairman of the Kennedy Foundation and President of St Michael’s Golf Club.

Mr Phil McNamara – Director

Mr McNamara is a Mining Engineer with 36 Years of experience in the Resources Industry. He is a qualified Coal Mine Manager having managed 3 underground coal mines across a 13 year period. He has held corporate roles with Junior Exploration Companies across the last 10 Years and was the Founding CEO and Managing Director of ASX listed Armour Energy (ASX: AJQ).

Phillip McNamara has been providing consulting services to Emperor Energy since 2016 and has played a key role in Emperor Energy’s progress to redefine the Judith gas prospect in the Company’s key Exploration Permit Vic/P47.

Mr Nigel Harvey – Director

Mr Harvey is an experienced ASX Director and has previously been a Director of Emperor Energy. He is Chairman of a mid sized not for profit organisation and holds a wholesale Australian Financial Services Licence. Nigel operates a markets consulting practice predominantly on AFSL compliance.

Early in his career he was a business and finance journalist predominantly in London and the Middle East and subsequently worked as an investment banker in Sydney for several decades predominantly covering the Asia Pacific region for energy derivatives and hedging. He has held roles with large banks including JP Morgan and Macquarie.

He has undertaken the Australian Institute of Company Directors course including the two update courses.

Project & Business Development Consultant

Mr Malcolm King

Malcolm King has over 30 years experience in the upstream oil & gas industry in both technical and commercial leadership roles, most of this with Shell. During the first half of his career Malcolm worked as an exploration geologist with focus on opening new plays and developing new ventures across Australia, with a final technical role as Exploration Manager Timor Sea and Onshore Basins. During the second half of his career Malcolm has led upstream business development and commercial teams including deal delivery, LNG marketing and joint venture management in Australia as well as in global roles across Asia including Japan, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia. More recently Malcolm has been leading the Commercial and then Business Development & New Ventures functions for Senex Energy.

A point to note in Malcolm’s technical background (with reference to Emperor Energy) is that while at Shell he was part of the team who developed the Judith play in the Gippsland Basin, including acquiring the acreage from LASMO at the time, and was later the well-site geologist during the drilling of the Judith-1 discovery. Judith is now the cornerstone asset for Emperor.

Malcolm has degrees in Applied Science (BSc, USQ) and Petroleum Geology (MSc, Aberdeen University, Scotland).

Geological Consultant

Mr Geoff Geary – B.Sc. (Geology), MPESA

Geoff Geary is a consultant petroleum geologist (formerly with Oil Company of Australia and Mobil Oil) of 26 years standing and has a Technical Services Agreement through his company Focus on Australia Pty Ltd. He has had significant experience in company mergers, acquisitions, acreage promotion and farm outs in his career, both with smaller national companies and with major multi-nationals. He is experienced in sedimentary basin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, structural geology, seismic interpretation, basin modelling and oil and gas field evaluation and development.