Offshore Gippsland Basin – Exploration Permit – Vic/P47

  • Australia’s premier hydrocarbon province
  • Located 200 km east of Melbourne
  • Exploration commenced in 1924
  • Over 400 exploration wells drilled
  • Some 90,000 line km of 2D seismic
  • More than forty 3D seismic surveys
  • Gas infrastructure well developed with a network of pipelines to onshore gas processing facilities at Longford and Orbost.
  • Gas delivered across southeastern Australia as far as Sydney, Adelaide and Tasmania
  • Operators include Esso/Woodside, Beach, 3D-Oil and Cooper Energy
  • Esso/Woodside have developed the Kipper gas field adjacent to Vic/P47 investing over $5.5 billion in the basin as part of its Kipper – Tuna – Turrum gas project


  • EMP holds 100% of 202 km2 Vic/P47 Permit
  • EMP is Operator of the Permit
  • Water depths: 20 – 85 m
  • Two-gas discovery wells drilled within the permit:
  • Judith-1 drilled by Shell in 1989
  • Moby-1 drilled by Bass Strait Oil in 2004
  • 3D seismic reprocessing, mapping and interpretation completed in 2017 and 2022
  • 1.8 Tcf Gas in Place Estimate at Judith Prospect and 622 Bcf (P50) at Kipper and Golden Beach Sands
  • Longtom gas field 15 km to west of Vic/P47 provides a good analogy for successful appraisal, potential development and production from Emperor Group Reservoirs at Judith
  • Judith is located 2 km north of the Kipper Gas Field recently into production by Esso / Woodside
  • Application to extend permit for lodged with NOPTA in September 2023.
  • Petrophysical evaluation of the Judith-1 exploration well, offshore Gippsland, Victoria, Australia that has been completed by respected industry expert Steve Adams at TPL (The Petrophysicist Limited), September 2023.

Vic/P47 Volumetrics Summary

Summary of Gross Contingent Resources for the Judith Discovery

Judith Gas Discovery Contingent Resources
Low 1C Best 2C High 3C
GIIP Bcf 204 322 463
Sales gas Bcf 118 198 297
Condensate MMbbl 1.7 2.9 4.6
Table 1.1: Summary of Contingent Resources for Judith area of VIC/P47, (3D-GEO, October 2022)
Greater Judith Area
Unrisked Prospective Resources
P90 P50 P10
Judith Deep Bcf 56 100 157
West Bcf 102 166 244
Central Bcf 46 430 859
North Bcf 36 208 410
North East Bcf 67 379 701
North West Bcf 18 126 293
South Bcf 21 218 788
Total Bcf 346 1627 3452
Table 1.2: Summary of Prospect Prospective Resources for Judith area of VIC/P47, Judith and Longtom Sandstones (3D-GEO, October 2022)
Greater Judith Area
Unrisked Prospective Resources
P90 P50 P10
New Resource Statement        
Kipper Sand Bcf 194 314 478
Upper Golden Beach Sandstone Sequence Bcf 70 143 247
Lower Golden Beach Sandstone Sequence Bcf 9 21 40
Golden Beach Basal Sand Bcf 83 144 231
Total Bcf 356 622 996
Table 1.3: Summary of PLead Prospective Resources for Judith area of VIC/P47, Kipper and Golden Beach Sandstones (3D-GEO, March 2022)

Petrophysics Evaluation




Net Thickness

Porosity %

Av. Permeability


Av.Gas Saturation


Gas Sand 1

2370m to 2441m

Mobile Gas





Gas Sand 2

2489m to 2543m

Mobile Gas





Gas Sand 3

2626m to 2720m

Mobile Gas





Gas Sand 4

2778m to 2839m

Mobile Gas





Table 1.4:Key outcomes from Judith-1 Petrophysics Evaluation, Steve Adams September 2023


Figure 1: Gippsland Basin Location, Gas pipelines shown in Red and Yellow.
Figure 2: Location of 100% Emperor Energy owned Vic/P47 in the offshore Gippsland Basin, showing the Judith Gas Field and proximity to Orbost Gas Plant, along with nearby oil and gas fields