Corporations Act 2001 – Section 110K

Obligation to give notice of members’ rights

             (1)  A public company must: 

                     (a)  send the members of the company, at least once in each financial year, a notice setting out the matters mentioned in subsection (4); or 

                     (b)  make such a notice readily available on a website.

(4)  For the purposes of subsections (1), (2), (2A) and (3), the matters required to be set out in the notice are: 

                     (a)  members’ rights to elect under section 110E, and to request under section 110J, to be sent documents in physical form; and 

                     (b)  members’ rights to elect under section 110E, and to request under section 110J, to be sent documents in electronic form; and 

                     (c)  members’ rights to elect under section 110E not to be sent documents covered by subsection 110E(5).

Shareholders (Members) of Emperor Energy Limited are advised in accordance with Corporation Act 2001 Section 110K of their right to elect to receive documents (Notices of Meetings, Annual Reports etc) in physical form, electronic form or not to be send documents.

Please contact the company share register Automic to update your preference.

Level 5, 126 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: 1300 288 664